About Amit Khanna

Losing his father at the age of 14, with only 425 INR (5 USD) in the bank and huge debts to clear off urged a young Amit to work odd jobs as a factory worker, salesperson, cashier and bartender to bring in cash until graduation.

Struggling to speak fluent English, and battling with facial paralysis four times throughout his life was no cakewalk. At the beginning of his IT career, he realized his affinity towards people management and transitioned to corporate leadership roles by mastering the communication game.

With over a decade of experience as a certified project manager working in 7 countries, today, Amit Khanna is an International TEDx Speaker, Thought Leader, Master Storyteller, and Mentor in Leadership and Communication.

Amit’s mission is to help individuals become better Communicators and Leaders through his B.I.G. Believe-Improve-Grow framework.

Amit's Credentials

My Vision

Empower individuals to achieve their full potential and excel in their careers by building confidence and communication skills.

My Mission

To provide individuals with the tools and strategies they need to communicate effectively and confidently in the workplace and to support them in their journey towards personal and professional growth.

How Amit Will Tranform Your Life?


Believe in your ability to deliver. Learn body language and verbal and nonverbal communication to feel confident.


 Understand how to Communicate in a diverse world, Speak with Clarity, Manage conflicts and more.


 Understand how to Communicate in a diverse world, Speak with Clarity, Manage conflicts and more.

Amit Is A Globally Recogonised Author

Check out His Book - "Corporate Circus"


Here's What You'll Discover In

Amit's Corporate Circus Book

Proven strategies to become a confident corporate communicator, enabling you to win big in your corporate career.

Step-by-step techniques to enhance your communication skills, allowing you to articulate your ideas with clarity and impact.

Insider tips and practical exercises to conquer your fear of public speaking and deliver compelling presentations that captivate any audience.

Expert advice on navigating complex corporate environments, managing office politics, and resolving conflicts to thrive in your professional journey.

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