Corporate Communication Curriculum

1.Communication Essentials

The Foundation of Corporate Communication

-The Core of Corporate Communication

-Decoding Communication

-Communication Flow

-Mastering Effective Communication

-Lines of Connection

-Hurdles on the Horizon

Body Language

- Posture

- Gesture

- Hand Movements

- Proximity

- Touch

- Appearance and more

Speak With Clarity

- Discover the Impact of Your Voice

-Control You Pace

- Speak with Confidence

-Strategic Emphasis for Persuasion

- Sound Like a Leader

-Use Your Voice to Connect and Collaborate

-Vocal Techniques for Certainty

Elevate Your Impact: The Essential Corporate Writing Toolkit

-Elevate Your Impact: The Essential Corporate Writing Toolkit

-Power of Written Communication

-Avoid Misunderstandings

- Write to Impress

-Command Attention

-Protect Your Professionalism

2.Confident Interactions

Meeting Mastery

- What and why are meetings important

- Types of Meetings

- What you should do as Organizer, facilitator and attendee

- Before, During and After including MOM

- and more

Conflict Management

- What is Conflict

- Borisoff and Victor five A’s of Conflict management

- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) - Conflict Management styles

- Types of Conflict

- What happens to during Conflict (Hormones)

- Body Language, Nonverbal, Voice in Conflict

- and more


- Why and what is Corporate Presentation

- Good and Bad examples of presentation and impact

- Hands On learning of Powerpoint presentation and several tips

- Bar Graphs

- Color

- Fonts and more

3.Strategic Communication

Introduction To Corporate Storytelling

-Why Storytelling Wins Every Time

-Influence Through Storytelling

-Secret Ingredients of Corporate Storytelling

-Elevating Your Storytelling Skills

-Unlock Your Storytelling Potential

Corporate Storytelling Mastery

-Lets create Story Bank


- Structure



- What and Why we need it

- Strategies


- Anchoring

- and more

4.Persuasive Leadership

Time Management as Philosophy

- Tools to care of time management

- To-Do list

- Time Blocking

- Parkinson's Law

- Eisenhower Matrix

- 80/20 Principle

- Pomodoro and more


- Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

- Cialdini’s 6 principles

- and more

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